"The one where you tear it apart!"
Since going off on a couple weeks of a tangent with the blog, which was fun, I have discovered even more important and pertinant points about the subject of “frankenstein” guitars and even pedals, etc. With doing a lot of different style sessions lately, and blending in this new live gig that definitely calls on me to pull off lots of different styles, I have learned that in putting gear together for the gig at hand that sometimes its not the “name brand” that always wins the battle. My head always wants to take me to the big names first, like my Les Paul, and my PRS. I unfortunately listened to this urge for about 3 weeks and forcibly played these two guitars in situations and pushed them upon myself and the songs/gigs for no other reason than that they “should work!” for the part or the gig. Deep down inside I knew that I should pick up my two guitars that I made for myself, for different reasons, and play them in these situations, but I was somewhat falling victim to the name brand ...